1. Hello world in C

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Compiling and running
  3. Testing
  4. Deploying
  5. Appendix : Call graph

1. Introduction

This is an example hello world C program. We can define codeblocks with ---

Some example flow diagram:


some text.

The main function

int main()
	 1. Print a string
	return 0;
Used in:
  1. hello.c @ 1.1.1

Now we can define the Includes codeblock:

Include files

#include <stdio.h>
Used in:
  1. hello.c @ 1.1.1

Finally, our program needs to print "hello world"

Print a string

printf("Hello, world!\n");
Used in:
  1. The main function @ 1.1.2

2. Compiling and running



gcc hello.c -o hello

to run : just enter command sh run.sh to run.



sh ./compile.sh


3. Testing

Should show an output that looks like this:

4. Deploying

Just copy the hello file and run it!

OR run the command:

$ sh run.sh

5. Appendix : Call graph